I just attended the 2020 Rich Earth Virtual Summit: Reclaiming Urine as a Resource. Here is a link:
It was exciting and re-energizing to hear about all of the work going on around the world! Here is a list of some of the amazing groups represented:
Rich Earth Institute https://richearthinstitute.org/
FLUSH (Facilitated Learning for Universal Sanitation and Hygiene) https://www.flushwash.org/
Greywater Action https://greywateraction.org/
Adirondack Compost for Good https://www.adkaction.org/project/compost-for-good/
Solar-Dripper https://solar-dripper.com/en/
LeapFrog Design https://www.leapfrog.design/
Do Good Shit https://www.dogoodshit.org/
The POOP Project https://thepoopproject.org/
Loowatt https://www.loowatt.com/
CBSA Alliance (Container Based Sanitation) http://cbsa.global/
Toilets for All https://www.toilets4all.com/
Sanergy http://www.sanergy.com/
Tui'k Ruch'Lew/Helping the Earth https://www.trlearth.org/
I encourage you all to explore these amazing projects! There is one more day to the conference. I hope to post some of the wonderful stories presented in my future posts.
Stay Safe!
Dan Radin